Sign up for a DPS account

Just one more step and you’ll be ready to shop at Dental Practice Supplies.

If you would like to sign up for a buyers account and join the 8000+ dentists that purchase from Dental Practice Supplies.

Simply call 1800 064 645 today and our customer service team will have you signed up and ready to shop in a few minutes.

Once signed up you will get the following benefits:

  • Regular discounts and offers (if you have signed up to our ‘discounts’ newsletter)
  • 30 day payment terms
  • no money up front
  • Delivery Australia wide
  • First class customer service

We know you’ll enjoy being part of the Dental Practice Supplies family as well as getting first class service from our customer service team.

We look forward to talking with you.

The Dental Practice Supplies Team.



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